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Product: Poster. Birds of University of Malaya
Size: A1 (594 x 841 mm)
Descriptions: The listings of birds in this poster was made based on the biodiversity survey at various locations in the campus. A more comprehensive bird survey was made during UM Big Year ( This poster contains identification on 42 species of local and migratory birds.

Product: Poster. Backyard Wildflowers
Size: A1 (594 x 841 mm)
Descriptions: Look at a wildflower, and most will see a weed. This is because wildflowers are flowering plants that grow without human cultivation. If they are not wanted, they are called weeds. But if you look closer, you might see beauty in the persistence of flowers that grow anywhere without any help from you. This poster contains descriptions on 20 species of wildflowers in Malaysia.

Product: Map. Biodiversity of Tasek Varsiti, University of Malaya
Size: (to be confirmed)
Descriptions: This map was made as a result of biodiversity survey around the lake to increase the community's appreciation towards the place. It contains descriptions on 24 species of plants as well as drawings of fishes, birds, insects and others.

Product: Toy. Gasing
Size: (to be confirmed)
Descriptions: The gasing (spinning toy) can be made out of single-use plastic container or bottle caps. The plastics are sorted, shredded, melted to a certain temperature and molded into a gasing. A mixture of colour gives it a marble-like look. Product available in red, green or blue (mixture). Learn more about Precious Plastic here:

Product: Coffeetable Book.
Title: PASANGAN: Pulse of a Riverine Community (ISBN 9789670380711)
Details: Softcover, 23cm x 19.1cm, 248 pages, colour photographs
Descriptions: Centred on Sungai Selangor, Pasangan is a journey into the symbiotic relationship between the downstream community of Mukim Pasangan and the river, from crafts-making and religious practices to cooking, cleansing, transportation, music and more. Their inspiring story is told, weaving accounts of the Mukim’s uniquely diverse people, the flow of wisdom across time that has shaped its evolving cultural and traditional heritage, and the ways in which the community has experienced and appreciated its river over the years. It is a hopeful attempt to reawaken the ‘Heartware’ for our rivers by highlighting how Sungai Selangor represents the ‘pulse’ of the Mukim Pasangan riverine community.